Although this software is categorized under the viewer category, It is not just a viewer but a package of multiple utilities such as zoom, rotate, flip, crop, convert, resize, image slicer, link generator, on right clicking image formats such as .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .png and .pix invoking the windows menu it previews image within., HTML generator, zip compression, built-in FTP, email sender, etc.
This is a single utility that replaces almost all different utilities for various applications. This application makes much easier for the web designers who usually have to modify the images to match their requirements such as cropping, rotating, resampling, resizing, flipping horizontally or vertically, rotating the image in both direction, reducing or enhancing colors, grayscale conversion, user defined special effects such as emboss, negative, edges, blur, high pass, low pass, bump map, lens, and wave etc., slicing the big sized images for faster loading with the browsers. It also allows to add the links to each sliced part of images and automatically generates the HTML code, etc. and finally emailing the preview of the work, uploading to the FTP and zipping the image for backup and much more.